Five years anxious wait and then at last - Lavender Whip is coming back! Hurrah Hooray! But hark - what's this!!! Blood boils, palm sweats, jaw clenches and eyes bulge as we see the first images of a pinkened Lavender Whip... How dare they taunt us so? Don't call it Lavender Whip if it isn't Lavender Whip. Well folks I think the whole thing is a storm in a teacup because in fact the shade really is the same. I would be the first to point out the differences but in truth there is a slight sheerness to the new 2013 version (very slight) but on the lips it's simply the same. It's got a dash of Budding Love (another limited edition fave) in the sense that it is a little less dense and perhaps ok a touch more pink but in reality it does indeed look like a very, very flattering lavender lipstick. I didn't get on with Pink Popcorn (too pink) so this really hasn't fallen into pink territory it is still categorically purple. Let's check out some photos...

I wore the new Lavender Whip on my top lip and the 2008 Lavender Whip on my bottom lip. No perceptible difference to the naked eye. And I swatched Budding Love, Original Lavender Whip and New Lavender Whip in that order (and pictured cased in that order).

By the way, NARS Mata Hari in the background - the best blusher to wear with Lavender Whip if you ask me. I do need a good lip pencil for this though, I must look into that -please let me know if you have any ideas?

I highly recommend Lavender Whip, it is so pretty yet unusual. The texture is great and it lasts fairly well, fading to a lovely innocent cooled down pink. I have ordered MAC Riri Woo so I am excited for that to arrive next! MAC have been rather good lately, except Let's Skate paint pot, which I found abysmal: glitter fallout everywhere and very over-hyped. But Lavender Whip is worth its place as one of the finest MAC lipsticks out there. It's currently available online. [edit/// oops it sold out again] Well you'd better run to a counter... Good luck! I would love this to be made permanent; this and Candy Yum Yum are both truly unique yet very wearable, almost opposite sides of the same coin. I think of this as a stripped down version of Candy Yum Yum as it has the same magenta heart to it.