Being a gloomy rainy day in London, both literally and metaphorically (those terrifying riots) I don't feel my plans for bright summer makeup will ever take off at this rate. Does the weather affect your choices... I blogged about this ages ago and about makeup for the workplace and I've blogged about how makeup must change as you age and whether mere mortals can even get away with movie star makeovers anyway but this time I mean everything: Is makeup really affected by all that: the weather, the situation and your age... Or is it personal and fired by your own internal soul and nothing else? How individual is your makeup, and how much dictated by events outside your control?
The fact that luxury products and consumerism generally have enraged these youths to the point that they feel they are positively "owed" that lifestyle is very bewildering. Does our stern criticism need to be reflected by austere makeup and sober garb? Probably.
Survey up there

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