I just got a text saying my MAC Cool eyes lemming has been satisfied. I feel oddly empty now.
And thinking maybe I should have asked for Bronze Eye/Cheek instead... maybe I'll ask her to get it on the return leg of her journey haha. The lemmings never die do they, oh fellow addicts! It's just sometimes I start to doubt myself, and feel a bit old for all my colourful eyeshadows...
Anyway, now for some other exciting news, which I'm giving YOU, my delightful blog readers!
Over on my YouTube channel (which between you and me, is my second love, way below this blogging lark) I mentioned that I'd be holding a small first contest. It's not yet been announced, but I am here to reveal that one of my followers, Erryn, who incidentally has her own blog, has very kindly offered to help me out with my contest and make the prize something worth getting even more excited about! I am going to be announcing it once it's all been finalised and organised, but I'm tentatively aiming to get it ready by this month.
Be sure to read Erryn's blog - I genuinely am an avid follower myself, trust me: my hair would be even worse if I hadn't learnt all those hints and tricks! It's packed with useful info, straight from a professional.
I really hope we get a good response for this, I am so looking forward to it and I've already decided on what the contest will be. Oh and I'm opening it out to anyone and everyone, you don't even need to be a subscriber or follower (hey, it's a free country after all) though of course I would urge you to check out her blog and website, as I know you'd enjoy it!
Please see this teaser for more info in the meantime, before the official unveiling...
P.S. Back to normal posts soon, thanks so much for your comments I love reading them! Gx
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